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01 - Ground marcation and definition of the project to execute the baldrame beam;
02-  The foundation can be done in many ways. We choose this model because it is one of the most used in popular habitation;

03 - Application of the water profing application on walls direction;
04 -Is recommended to complete the fondation, already with the floor, serving as storage for the bricks; marking them easily accessible and close to the mason;

05 - Position the first layer;
06 - Settlement of the first layer without the bricks of the openings;

07 - Placement of the iron bars (bars 3/8", - following the necessity of each project);
08 - Placement of the ironware on edges holes;

09 - And in the junction of the internal walls;
10 - Elevation of 3 layers in the edges and walls extremity, straightening to line support;

11 - All the walls must be raised together, always following the modulation;
12 - In 50 cm of height, the edges and the junctions of the internal walls, receive the firsts clamps;

13 - For a better clamp fitting ( iron bar folded in "U" format) make a cut in the brick;
14 - Make the clamp on the edges;

15 - On the walls junctions;

16/17 - The holes that received the clamps or iron bars, have to be concreted;
18 - Distribuited for all the walls, the chute brick is used as tying beam with 3 layers on work;

19 - The first layer of chute bricks on stick counter( par′pent height around 90 cm);
20 - The ironware is distribuited by chute brick (horizontally) of every wall too, being folded 10cm in extremities for better hole fitting;

27 - All the lines of Eco Máquinas hydraulic press also produces ecological roofs with perfect finishing, easy settlement and low cost of production.

28 - The finishing process that includes the grouting and the waterproofing of the walls are the last stage of work ( when we opt for leave the bricks visible);
29 - Ecologic houses with up to 40% savings at the end of the work;

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   Henry intelligent block machine  
Shandong Henry Intelligent Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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